PEORIA – With strong support from State Senator Dave Koehler, Peoria Public Schools District 150 is set to receive $50,000 to enhance foreign language education in schools.
“Investing in our school’s curriculum gives students a broad range of knowledge that will help pave the way for a bright future,” said Koehler (D-Peoria). “Foreign language courses are essential for a well-rounded education. The more knowledge students have, the more they will be equipped for every opportunity for years to come.”
The Illinois Arts Council Agency and Illinois State Board of Education awarded 13 grants to districts and schools across the state to assist with the development and enhancement of curricular programs in the arts or foreign language.
Peoria Pubic Schools District 150 was awarded $50,000 to introduce, strengthen and expand instruction in foreign language education. The grant aims to ensure that foreign language becomes part of the school’s core curriculum.
“Peoria schools will be able to implement and expand foreign language courses with this funding,” said Koehler. “We have to continue investing in our students as they are the leaders of tomorrow.”
More information about the Arts and Foreign Language Education Grants can be found here.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler passed a law to highlight future career opportunities for children living with disabilities.
“Children living with disabilities and their families often feel as if there aren’t many job opportunities after graduation,” said Koehler (D – Peoria). This new law will empower children living with disabilities with opportunities to be successful in our state’s workforce.”
Under House Bill 3224, students with individualized education plans – or IEPs – and their parents will be provided information on the school district’s career and technical education and dual credit opportunities.
According to the National School Boards Association 2019 analysis, students living with disabilities who were in career and technical educational programs had an 89% graduation rate nationwide during the previous school year, which was 20% higher than the disabled student graduation rate overall.
“All students deserve the opportunity to be successful,” said Koehler (D- Peoria). “This law gives students and their parents a clear understanding of the opportunities that are open to them after graduation.”
House Bill 3224 was signed into law Friday and takes effect immediately.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler passed a measure to create awareness of the history of the Underground Railroad in Illinois.
“Illinois played a significant role towards the path of freedom that has usually gone unnoticed,” said Koehler (D – Peoria). “This task force will bring to light the efforts Illinoisans went through to help slaves on their journey, and map the route across the state.”
Senate Bill 1623 creates the Underground Railroad Task Force. The group will develop a statewide plan to connect existing local projects and new projects to create a cohesive statewide history of the Underground Railroad in Illinois, while developing new educational and tourism opportunities.
The task force will identify where historical sites are located, connections they may have to one another, and will paint a picture to recognize the history of the Underground Railroad in Illinois. It will also introduce educational and tourism opportunities throughout the state.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) released the following statement after the governor signed the Fiscal Year 2024 budget into law:
“The investments this budget makes into education, workforce development and our local economy is a testament to how far we have come to get Illinois back on track.
“Not only is the state being fiscally responsible by paying down debt and allowing businesses to plan for the future – Illinois is making an investment in the next generation by providing increased funding to our schools, community colleges, four-year universities and programs that will improve workforce development, job development and job creation.”
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