SPRINGFIELD – Years of less-than-adequate state funding have taken their toll on Wildlife Prairie State Park. The 2,000 acre park, which allows the people of Illinois to see the state's indigenous wildlife in a natural setting, has survived the state's budget cuts largely due to the efforts of Friends of Wildlife Prairie State Park, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the park's mission of promoting conservation, education and recreation. State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) has passed legislation that will permanently transfer ownership of the park to the Friends board.
"We need to keep Wildlife Prairie Park open," Koehler said. "The state just doesn't have the resources to do it anymore, but Friends of Wildlife Prairie State Park can and will."
Despite Koehler's best efforts to get funding for the park reinstated, the state was unable to provide significant financial resources to the park for the past three years.
Though the state is transferring ownership of the park to the Friends group, the legal agreement requires the group to keep the park open to the public and to maintain its current mission.
Koehler's measure now goes to the governor, who has already expressed his support.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) announced his support for the Illinois Department of Transportation's plan to spend more than $60 million on road construction projects in the Peoria area, but said the state needs to do more.
"These projects are important, but Illinois needs another comprehensive capital construction plan," Koehler said. "Our roads, bridges and infrastructure are the backbone of our economy. If we want to invest in business, we need to invest in transportation."
Earlier today, IDOT announced its six-year road construction plan, which includes more than $60 million for projects in Peoria, Tazewell and Fulton counties. However, Koehler believes the state needs to make further investments in Illinois' infrastructure.
The last time Illinois passed a comprehensive capital construction plan was in 2009. Sometimes referred to as "Illinois Jobs Now!," the program invested $31 billion in the state's roads, bridges, schools, hospitals and other public buildings. The construction plan was desperately needed – it was the first in 10 years – and many of the projects announced by IDOT are actually funded by the 2009 law.
"We can't go 10 years between infrastructure upgrades," Koehler said. "Businesses and families need high-quality infrastructure to be competitive. We can't afford to let Illinois fall behind."
SPRINGFIELD – Years of less-than-adequate state funding have taken their toll on Wildlife Prairie State Park. The 2,000 acre park, which allows the people of Illinois to see the state's indigenous wildlife in a natural setting, has survived the state's budget cuts largely due to the efforts of Friends of Wildlife Prairie State Park, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the park's mission of promoting conservation, education and recreation. State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) is sponsoring legislation that will permanently transfer ownership of the park to the Friends board.
"We can't allow Wildlife Prairie State Park to fall prey to Illinois' budget woes," Koehler said. "Friends of Wildlife Prairie State Park will keep this important Peoria-area landmark open for our friends and children to enjoy for years to come."
Despite Koehler's best efforts to get funding for the park reinstated, the state has been unable to provide significant financial resources to the park for the past three years, a situation unlikely to change in the near future.
Though the state is transferring ownership of the park to the Friends group, the legal agreement requires the group to keep the park open to the public and to maintain its current mission.
Koehler's measure has passed the Illinois House and the Senate Agriculture Committee. It is poised to pass the Senate and is supported by the governor. Koehler sponsored a similar plan last year, but it stalled in the Illinois House.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) has passed legislation out of the Illinois Senate that strongly encourages hunters to donate the meat from the game animals they kill if they aren't going to eat it themselves.
"Our state has a very successful program to allow hunters to donate meat when they don't want to eat it themselves," Koehler said. "There's no reason to leave perfectly good food to rot while there are families throughout the state going hungry."
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources operates the highly successful Illinois Sportsmen Against Hunger Program, which allows hunters to donate venison and other meat to food banks and other charities throughout Illinois. The program has provided 3.5 million meals to hungry families. To learn more about the program or to find a local participating meat processor, visit www.dnr.illinois.gov.
"I've seen hunters leave three or four partially butchered deer along the road, in view of everyone that drives by. We hope to encourage hunters to donate deer to the Sportsmen Against Hunger Program," said Sergeant Jamie Mauler, who works for the department.
Specifically, Koehler's proposal:
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